Nowadays there so many facility on the net that offer personal online journal. But you must perfectly see what the offer. If they offer a huge space you must see the bandwidth and if you see the bandwidth and the space you have also see the facility. Free is not bad if you have a diligent to see where is the best free.
In the commercial ads I have seen a free and now I have tested. It provide personal online journal or most people call it blog. You can create your own blog or if you would you can also create your blogs. Benefit sure, upload photo, videos, podcasts, chat, Forum and you can also see the latest news. And the good thing is, it has unlimited free bandwidth.
This facility can also be privately, that’s mean you can share only to the people that connect or you want to share. This is evolution. Free is not always bad, but how we can find the best free site. So if you want to make your blog try this one and don’t worry it’s all free. If you are a site builder you can also make one for the back link
Good information & nice blog :-) Boleh ngga kalo mo tukeran link..? Thx.