Januari 21, 2009

gimme your stuff

Recently visit the gimme your stuff blog and interesting to swap this .. and old journal in Indonesian language from 1988 edition.. but quite not get the clue about this word cause I don't have experience in sending overseas..

Please check both countries' postage/quarantine laws before posting goods. ...just covering our arses.

maybe for the first time I'll try to visit enother gimme your stuff blog. oh yeah I've you have any clue that can i read about how to send over seas plz let me know ..

---- update---
try to read .. so i must mention what i swap and what i want to swap

things that i can swap..

Indonesian Unique acsesories :D
post card
greet card
my recent photo B-)
sweets and candy

what i want is

your country unique acsesories
greet card
post card
your recent photo :D
sweets and candy ..

but I still waiting the clue how to send overseas :D

3 komentar:

  1. Hi Pandi..

    Its nice to chat with you in early morning..:)
    Thanks to visit my blog, your blog is great!


  2. thank, the info very very useful

  3. you welcome, came by often :D
