April 11, 2008

My Big Five Personality test

Big Five Test Results
Extroversion (42%) moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and private.
Accommodation (62%) moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly kind natured, trusting, and helpful at the expense of your own individual development (martyr complex).
Orderliness (42%) moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, random, scattered, and fun seeking at the expense of structure, reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Emotional Stability (70%) high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Inquisitiveness (60%) moderately high which suggests you are intellectual, curious, imaginative but possibly not very practical.
Take Free Big Five Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

nemu ginian di blognya si Rena cobain aja hue hue hue.. kalo kemaren sempet juga tuh nyobain yang dari test personality blogthings dot com, lucu and menarik. nah sekarang giliran dari similar minds hehehe.. iseng :P

1 komentar:

  1. asyik... pertamakali nih.
    itu tulisan artinya apa ya???

    hemmmm,... (mikir)
